Favorite Trading Books

Here is a list of my trading book tips. Please notice that I do not only read trading books. I also read a lot of books on topics like psychology, motivation, self-help, business and philosophy.

I think that trading is a broad area and you have to read around it. That’s why I suggest other books, too.

If you have suggestions for me or you think that a book is missing, feel free to contact me! I will extend the list regularly.


My Top 5 Trading Books

These are books I suggest for anyone. I read them more than once. The most of them are timeless and available for many years.

Books about trading systems and strategies

These trading books are about systems and strategies. This topic is very popular and there are many books available. These books should give you examples of trading strategies. It’s not their job to give you an instant system which you can use. Please note: You have to find a personal strategy for you!

Trading psychology books

These books are my favorite trading books. I think that a big part of trading has to do with psychology. It is not only important to read these books, you also have to read other books on psychology.

Trader story books

In these books you will find interviews and life stories from traders. I like these books very much. They give you insight into the thinking processes of a trader. In addition you will find a lot of wisdom and experience.

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